Andrew, Tanya, Tahlia, Shenae, Liam & Ethan Smith 


The Smith family are serving in Mozambique



Partner with them in prayer

Please pray for them regularly. If you’d like to receive their regular email updates and prayer points you can request this by sending them an email.


Their role

The Smith family live in Nomba near Lichinga but soon plan to move to the village of Lumbiza in the district of Sanga in Niassa. Andrew works in the field of agriculture demonstrating “Foundations for Farming” which is a course teaching God’s word through conservation agriculture. Andrew is also involved in an agricultural project with the Anglican Church and Chikweti (the largest local forestry company) who have asked him to teach these methods to their people. He is teaching 6 Anglican community workers (Adeptos) and they work in 18 communities each having an average of 15 farmers (over 270 families).  He also visits the communities with the Adeptos offering technical advice.

Along with this work he has 2 display farms, 1 near the village of Casisi and the other near the village of Mapuje. These display farms are around ¼ hectare or 50m X 50m farms growing maize and beans using conservation farming techniques. The aim is to teach farmers to use their land more productively so they can provide for their families and make a profit. Andrew has also planted four (6mX6m) gardens, one at the YWAM base, one at Kuchijinji, one in the village Casisi and one in the village of Matitima showing different groups the conservation agricultural techniques on a small scale, out of the growing season, so those who show interest can try these techniques on their own farms.

Next year the Smith family will be moving to Lumbiza where they will set up a larger display farm and a training centre. They believe that the agricultural project will grow and involve more communities and hope that hundreds or thousands of farmers will be able to increase their yields by using these conservation agriculture techniques.

The Smith family will also be involved with a small church and the community in Lumbiza.

You can watch a video from them here.